Migration from MongoDB to Elasticsearch

Created by Seokje Park at 2020.02.21


  • mongodb to elasticsearch

  • migratino

We will sync mongoDB with Elasticsearch

MongoDB upgrade 3.6 to 4.0

I followed this instructions.

If you come out as below, you have succeeded.

  $ mongo
    rs0:PRIMARY> db.version()

Setup Replica set on a single machine

Referenced here.

  $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod0.log --port 27017 --dbpath /var/lib/mongo --replSet rs0 # Start a mongod instance
  $ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/mongodb1/ # Start another mongod instance
  $ sudo mongod --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod1.log --port 27018 --dbpath /var/lib/mongo1 --replSet rs0
  $ mongo
  $  > rs.initiate()
  $  > rs.add('localhost:27018') # { "ok"" 1 }
  $  > rs.status()
  • sudo killall -15 mongod: Kill all mongod process. (Use it if you want to upgrade or restart mongod)

  • --fork --logpath /var/log/mongod0.log: Commands to Run mongod as Daemons.

  • ps -edaf | grep mongo | grep -v grep: Command to check the running mongod process.

Install Golang-go

  $ sudo yum install golang
  $ go env # test

Download Monstache & upzip

  $ wget -O /home/ec2-user/monstache.zip "https://github.com/rwynn/monstache/releases/download/v6.5.1/monstache-8e69a61.zip"
  $ unzip monstache.zip -d ./monstache

Export your path to the .profile

  $ sudo vi ~/.basrhc

Add the following lines



  $ monstache -v

Setup monstache config

More options can be found here.

{Any path}/config.toml

  mongo-url = "mongodb://localhost:27018"
  elasticsearch-urls = ["http://{elasticsearch url}:9200"]
  elasticsearch-max-conns = 4
  elasticsearch-max-seconds = 5
  elasticsearch-max-bytes = 8000000

  namespace-regex = '^{dbname}\.{colname}$'
  change-stream-namespaces  = ["dbname}.{colname}"]

  gzip = true
  stats = false
  index-stats = true

  dropped-collections = false
  dropped-databases = false

  replay = false
  resume = true
  resume-write-unsafe = false
  resume-name = "default"
  verbose = true
  exit-after-direct-reads = false

The above config needs futher investigation.

Start Synchronize MonogoDB to Elasticsearch using monstache

  $ monstache -f config.toml # watch mode
  $ nohup monstache -f config.toml & # background process


When you apply Elasticsearch basic authentication later, you must make the following changes.

  $ sudo vi config.toml
    elasticsearch-user = "elastic"
    elasticsearch-password = "{elasticsearch-setup-passwords generated elastic password}"

See more about elasticsearch security Setting Elaticsearch and Kibana.

Reference site

Last updated