What is chatbot marketing
User Segments
What is chatbot marketing
Generationg sales
Qualify leads
Qualification Criteria (리드를 평가하는 기준)
Channel that generated the lead (유입 채널)
How did the leads come from? (리드가 어떤 경로를 통해 유입되었는가?)
Reflect weight along path (경로에 따른 가중치 반영)
Landing page (방문 페이지)
Which webpages did your customers visit? (잠재고객이 어느 웹페이지를 방문하였는가?)
Reflect weight based on web page (웹페이지에 따른 가중치 반영)
Multi-action lead (멀티 액션을 취한 리드)
How many paths did the leads come from? (리드가 몇 개의 경로를 통해 유입되었나?)
Reflect weight by number of paths (경로의 수에 따른 가중치 반영)
Whose number has perhaps been verified
Customer who has been contacted by phone
Who is Qualified lead or Sales Ready Lead?
Has shown intent to buy
Direct search for the product or service
Filled in a form on one of our sites
their details have been validated
Have taken the time to request quotes and their contact details are correct.
To get more insights
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