What is chatbot marketing


  • User Segments

What is chatbot marketing

  • Generationg sales

  • Qualify leads

  • Upsell

Qualification Criteria (리드를 평가하는 기준)

  • Channel that generated the lead (유입 채널)

    • How did the leads come from? (리드가 어떤 경로를 통해 유입되었는가?)

    • Reflect weight along path (경로에 따른 가중치 반영)

  • Landing page (방문 페이지)

    • Which webpages did your customers visit? (잠재고객이 어느 웹페이지를 방문하였는가?)

    • Reflect weight based on web page (웹페이지에 따른 가중치 반영)

  • Multi-action lead (멀티 액션을 취한 리드)

    • How many paths did the leads come from? (리드가 몇 개의 경로를 통해 유입되었나?)

    • Reflect weight by number of paths (경로의 수에 따른 가중치 반영)

  • Whose number has perhaps been verified

  • Customer who has been contacted by phone

Who is Qualified lead or Sales Ready Lead?

  • Has shown intent to buy

    • Direct search for the product or service

    • Filled in a form on one of our sites

    • their details have been validated

  • Have taken the time to request quotes and their contact details are correct.

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Last updated